CO²? Climate change? Sustainability? We plant trees with PLANT FOR FUTURE! Together with you, we at Dach und Meer want to stand up for our wonderful planet. For every order, we plant trees and protect the Amazon rainforest. We are simply concerned with the future and the quality of life of tomorrow. It’s about doing something and taking responsibility.
“It is questionable how climate change will change the future. But doing nothing is out of the question for us.”

Who we are – and how we work
We see ourselves as beautification experts, as building conservationists and quite simply as professional service providers on your behalf. Because when it comes to nano-coating both roofs and facades, we are only satisfied when you are. In doing so, we work according to a number of principles – which for us make up the golden soil of craftsmanship:

1. handshake quality
A word is a word for us. And a handshake is a handshake. We uphold this old virtue of craftsmanship. We treat our customers fairly – after all, we always want to be treated fairly too.
2. adherence to deadlines
There are few things more annoying than unpunctual tradesmen or jobs that are repeatedly postponed. You don’t have to be afraid of this with us. Because we reliably fulfill our promises. And if – as expected – something doesn’t work out, we’ll let you know soon enough.
3. professional work
The best technologies, tools and materials are of little use if you are sloppy or inattentive during processing. That’s why we are always fully involved with all our teams. Our trained employees know what they are doing and ensure that you can enjoy our work for a long time.
4. first-class materials
The best technologies, tools and materials are of little use if you are sloppy or inattentive during processing. That’s why we are always fully involved with all our teams. Our trained employees know what they are doing and ensure that you can enjoy our work for a long time.
5. clean construction sites
When we leave, you can no longer see that we were there. Except, of course, for the newly shining facades and roofs. We therefore attach great importance to cleanliness. And that your building is always well protected during our work – such as windows, doors and the like.
6. fair prices
For us, a good deal is one in which both sides benefit. That’s why we always try to find exactly this balance. Simply ask for a quote. You will be surprised how fair first-class work can be!
7. top service
Tradesmen who cannot be contacted and who do not respond to complaints or repairs are a dime a dozen. We think and act differently. Because as we said, we are only satisfied when you are.