The project
Plant for Future was set up by three friends who were plagued by a guilty conscience. “It is our lifestyle that is disrupting the world and displacing other ways of life.” This realisation gave rise to the idea of changing our own behaviour and inspiring as many people as possible to give something back to our planet.
Why trees?
Our planet is in serious trouble. We are all responsible. Our ever-increasing demand for resources and living space, the destruction of nature and our associated emissions of greenhouse gases are disrupting the earth.
With Plant for Future, you not only plant trees, but also protect existing forests.

Global warming
The problems that plague our planet are numerous and varied, but can almost always be traced back to human activity. It is not uncommon for one problem to provoke another and the interrelationships between them are complex. When we talk about climate change, it is caused by the excessive emission of greenhouse gases such as CO2, whose heat-absorbing properties lead to a warming of our atmosphere.
Species extinction
The causes of species extinction are manifold, but can once again be traced back to the actions of just one species. Humans are threatening to go down in history as the cause of the sixth mass extinction.

Forest loss
Every year, forests covering a total area of over 300,000 square kilometres are cut down worldwide. This corresponds to the area of Great Britain and Northern Ireland combined. This is equivalent to the area of Great Britain and Northern Ireland combined and is due to the trade in timber and, above all, the extraction of agricultural land.
What can you do?
As complex and varied as the problems of the 21st century may be, there are just as many answers and solutions. The biggest task will be to convince people to trust science and follow its solutions. That means doing without.