What does biodiversity mean? Why is it so important, also for our continued existence? And how can we preserve them? Dirk Steffens and Fritz Habekuß address one of the most important issues of the 21st century, taking stock of how such a serious decline in biodiversity has come about and what needs to be done to prevent a sixth major mass extinction. The book helps to understand complex interrelationships, explains how everything is interconnected, how everything is mutually dependent, limits and promotes each other, how trillions and quadrillions of organisms combine to form a living whole without which we humans cannot exist. Only the interaction of millions of different species keeps the earth’s life-support system running.
The threats to popular species such as polar bears and koalas seem particularly present. Less emotional, but all the more serious, is the daily extinction of many plant and insect species. The authors make it clear that with every extinct species we come closer to our doom. Closely linked to the extinction of species are other undesirable developments caused by humans, which are all inextricably linked and mutually beneficial. Climate change, air, light and sea pollution, surface sealing and the destruction of intact nature. “The ecological crisis is more enormous than anything that societies have had to endure in human history. But we know far more about the mechanisms of environmental degradation, are familiar with possible countermeasures and have identified important levers. We have knowledge and technological possibilities that are unique in the history of mankind.”
Steffens and Habekuß remind us of what has already been achieved. The global ban on CFC emissions has helped the ozone layer, which is so important for our atmosphere, to recover and shows once again that we can, if we want to. If science and politics pull together and if we are prepared to change – to do without. According to Steffens and Habekuß, we will only be willing to do without if the advantages of doing without are clearly and unambiguously stated and, based on this, a change in awareness sets in. An awareness that everything we consume every day and whose availability we take for granted has been taken from nature and is naturally not infinitely available.
It is a book that creates both awe and humility, makes you question your own role in the Earth system and inevitably motivates you. Motivated to protect and preserve our earth as we know it. “About Life” offers both solutions on a personal level and tools for any debate between man and nature.